1 /**
2  * D Documentation Generator
3  * Copyright: © 2014 Economic Modeling Specialists, Intl., © 2015 Ferdinand Majerech
4  * Authors: Brian Schott, Ferdinand Majerech
5  * License: $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt Boost License 1.0)
6  */
8 /// std.allocator-compatible memory allocator.
9 module allocator;
11 public import std.experimental.allocator;
12 public import std.experimental.allocator.building_blocks.fallback_allocator;
13 public import std.experimental.allocator.gc_allocator;
14 public import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator;
15 import std.stdio;
16 import std.exception: assumeWontThrow;
17 import std.typecons: Ternary;
20 /*******************************************************************************
21  * Allocator used by hgen (block allocator with a GC fallback for allcs bigger
22  * than block size)
23  */
24 public alias Allocator = FallbackAllocator!(
25     HmodBlockAllocator!(32 * 1024), 
26     GCAllocator);
29 /*******************************************************************************
30  * A somewhat incomplete (no dealloc) std.allocator implementation - passed to
31  * libdparse.
32  *
33  * All data is deallocated in destructor.
34  *
35  * Allocates memory in fixed-size blocks and tries to place allocations into
36  * those blocks. Allocations larger than a block fail.
37  *
38  * Based on BlockAllocator from Brian Schott's containers library
39  */
40 struct HmodBlockAllocator(size_t blockSize) {
41     union {
42         private size_t bytesAllocated_;
43         /// Number of bytes allocated over time.
44         const size_t bytesAllocated;
45     }
46     // Since we don't support deallocation (right now), these two are the same
47     /// The highest number of bytes allocated at any given moment.
48     alias bytesHighTide = bytesAllocated;
49     union {
50         private size_t bytesWithSlack_;
51         /// Number of bytes allocated at the moment, including slack (wasted space)
52         const size_t bytesWithSlack;
53     }
54     union {
55         private size_t bytesGivenUp_;
56         /// Total size of allocations that failed (bigger than block size).
57         const size_t bytesGivenUp;
58     }
59     union {
60         private size_t allocsGivenUp_;
61         /// Number of allocations that failed.
62         const size_t allocsGivenUp;
63     }
64     union {
65         private size_t bytesAttemptedToDeallocate_;
66         /// Number of bytes the user has attempted to deallocate.
67         const size_t bytesAttemptedToDeallocate;
68     }
69     /**
70      * Copy construction disabled because this struct clears its memory with a
71      * destructor.
72      */
73     @disable this(this);
75     /**
76      * Frees all memory allocated by this allocator
77      */
78     ~this() @trusted {
79         Node* current = root;
80         Node* previous = void;
81         while (current !is null) {
82             previous = current;
83             current = current.next;
84             assert (previous == previous.memory.ptr);
85             Mallocator.instance.deallocate(previous.memory);
86         }
87         root = null;
88     }
90     /**
91      * Standard allocator operation.
92      *
93      * Returns null if bytes > blockSize.
94      */
95     void[] allocate(size_t bytes) nothrow @trusted
96     out (result) {
97         import std.string;
98         assert (result is null || result.length == bytes,
99             format("Allocated %d bytes when %d bytes were requested.",
100                    result.length, bytes));
101     }
102     body {
103         void updateStats(void[] result) {
104             if (result is null) {
105                 ++allocsGivenUp_;
106                 bytesGivenUp_ += bytes;
107                 return;
108             }
109             bytesAllocated_ += result.length;
110         }
111         if(bytes > maxAllocationSize) {
112             import std.exception;
113             debug writeln("Big alloc: ", bytes).assumeWontThrow;
114             updateStats(null);
115             return null; 
116         }
118         // Allocate from the beginning of the list. Filled blocks go later in
119         // the list.
120         // Give up after three blocks. We don't want to do a full linear scan.
121         size_t i = 0;
122         for (Node* current = root;
123              current !is null && i < 3;
124              current = current.next) {
125             void[] mem = allocateInNode(current, bytes);
126             if (mem !is null) {
127                 updateStats(mem);
128                 return mem;
129             }
130             i++;
131         }
132         Node* n = allocateNewNode();
133         bytesWithSlack_ += n.memory.length;
134         void[] mem = allocateInNode(n, bytes);
135         n.next = root;
136         root = n;
137         updateStats(mem);
138         return mem;
139     }
141     //TODO implement deallocate if/when libdparse uses it (needs allocator design changes)
142     /// Dummy deallocation function, to keep track of how much the user tried to deallocate.
143     bool deallocate(void[] b) pure nothrow @trusted {
144         bytesAttemptedToDeallocate_ += b.length;
145         return false;
146     }
148     /// Was the given buffer allocated with this allocator?
149     Ternary owns(void[] b) const pure nothrow @trusted {
150         for (const(Node)* current = root;
151             current !is null;
152             current = current.next) {
153             if (b.ptr >= current.memory.ptr && 
154                b.ptr + b.length <= current.memory.ptr + current.used) {
155                 return Ternary.yes;
156             }
157         }
158         return Ternary.no;
159     }
160     /**
161      * The maximum number of bytes that can be allocated at a time with this
162      * allocator. This is smaller than blockSize because of some internal
163      * bookkeeping information.
164      */
165     enum maxAllocationSize = blockSize - Node.sizeof;
167     /**
168      * Allocator's memory alignment
169      */
170     enum alignment = platformAlignment;
172     /// Write allocation statistics to standard output.
173     void writeStats() {
174         writefln("allocated: %.2fMiB\n" ~
175                  "deallocate attempts: %.2fMiB\n" ~
176                  "high tide: %.2f\n" ~
177                  "allocated + slack: %.2f\n" ~
178                  "given up (bytes): %.2f\n"  ~
179                  "given up (allocs): %s\n",
180                  bytesAllocated / 1000_000.0,
181                  bytesAttemptedToDeallocate_ / 1000_000.0,
182                  bytesHighTide / 1000_000.0,
183                  bytesWithSlack / 1000_000.0,
184                  bytesGivenUp / 1000_000.0,
185                  allocsGivenUp);
186     }
188 private:
190     /**
191      * Allocates a new node along with its memory
192      */
193     Node* allocateNewNode() nothrow const @trusted {
194         void[] memory = Mallocator.instance.allocate(blockSize).assumeWontThrow;
195         Node* n = cast(Node*) memory.ptr;
196         n.used = roundUpToMultipleOf(Node.sizeof, platformAlignment);
197         n.memory = memory;
198         n.next = null;
199         return n;
200     }
202     /**
203      * Allocates memory from the given node
204      */
205     void[] allocateInNode(Node* node, size_t bytes) pure nothrow const @safe
206     in {
207         assert (node !is null);
208     }
209     body {
210         if (node.used + bytes > node.memory.length)
211             return null;
212         immutable prev = node.used;
213         node.used = roundUpToMultipleOf(node.used + bytes, platformAlignment);
214         return node.memory[prev .. prev + bytes];
215     }
217     /**
218      * Single linked list of allocated blocks
219      */
220     static struct Node {
221         void[] memory;
222         size_t used;
223         Node* next;
224     }
226     /**
227      * Pointer to the first item in the node list
228      */
229     Node* root;
231     /**
232      * Returns s rounded up to a multiple of base.
233      */
234     static size_t roundUpToMultipleOf(size_t s, uint base) pure nothrow @safe {
235         assert(base);
236         auto rem = s % base;
237         return rem ? s + base - rem : s;
238     }
239 }